My dad lives in Kaufman, Texas, which is about an hour outside of Dallas. Which means it's in the country. Like, the real country. Cows, pickups, a shotgun in every home. That kind of country. Near Kaufman is a town called Canton, where they have a massive, sprawling flea market called First Monday. If there's anything in the world you're looking for, they probably have it. Dad and I went out there the day after Thanksgiving to do some exploring: I was looking for old board games (found some!) and Dad just wanted to stretch his legs, so we wandered around for a couple of hours.
While tons of booths seem to be selling the same stuff, this one cap stood out above all others. It proudly proclaims that the wearer of the hat is a Super Bitch (complete with Superman's s-shield. DC Comics, don't you hold a copyright on that thing?), yet, she also loves Jesus. I really cannot possibly understand why someone would wear this hat, although I was sorely tempted to buy it just to prove it actually existed. The best I could do was this snap from my phone. If anyone ever spots someone wearing one of these, for the love of all that is holy (including Jesus), please send me a photo.
Really stupid hat
%Proactol Australia%
Posted by: Buy Proactol Australia | September 27, 2010 at 03:12 PM
*To share my life with you here is part of my happiness.
Posted by: fake christian louboutin | November 08, 2010 at 11:51 PM